Multi BIS Can GCH Hollykins Wyncora DEN to YYC SDHF
pedigreeBorn: January 9, 2012
Breeders: Marla Paton / Holly J Robinson
Owners: Holly J Robinson / Marla Paton

Abby winning her 2nd Best In Show!
Red Deer & District Kennel Club
Judge: Richard Meen
April 2014
Abby was #1 Golden in Canada and #3 Sporting Dog in Canada (June 2014),
with 5 Best In Show wins
when we tragically lost her after a show weekend:(
She remained #1 until August of that year.
We still wonder what journey this girl would have taken us on 💔.

Best In Show
Alberta Kennel Club Show
Judge: Donald Fitzsimmons
January 2014
She won a Group 2nd on January 18th under Judge Thora Brown.

Abby at 10 months